However, if this really is the case, surely the Portuguese government can change the rule without seeking permission from Brussels.
Previous letters have highlighted the many problems created by the 90/180 rule which is causing us, and several others to our definite knowledge, to seriously consider selling our holiday home and buying one outside the EU. We are happy to limit visits to 180 days per annum - if we wanted to be here longer we would apply for residency - but if we are going to be told when to visit it is difficult to justify the expense of EU10,000 pa in standing charges alone for the house, car etc. This will be a direct loss to Portugal together with our substantial expenditure whilst we are in the country.
Come on Portugal. Do what is best for the country and stop slavishly following European (EU?) diktats which damage your economy.
David Foot, By email
Nearly all countries in the world operate on the 90-day rule. Why would visa/permit-free visits be any longer than that? Even the European Union citizens need to follow this rule if they intend to stay on in an EU country other than their home country: they need to register as residents as soon as the 90 days are up.
By Annie from Algarve on 20 Aug 2021, 13:07