The kid was born on November 22 to parents Shinobi and Mei.

The International Union for Conservation of Nature has classed the François' langur monkey as endangered (IUCN).

As part of a European Endangered Breeding Programme (EEP), the mother Mei, who was born in 2016, and her younger sister Kaili, who was born in 2018, travelled from Twycross Zoo in the UK to Fota Wildlife Park in September 2022.

Shinobi, who was born in 2016, joined them soon after. He came from ZSL Whipsnade Zoo in the UK in December 2022.

Lead Ranger Teresa Power stated, "We are hoping that this baby's birth will help spread the word about how important it is to continue conservation work for the François' langur. Less than 500 remain in Vietnam, while there are 1,400–1,650 wild people in China.

"As a member of the European Association of Zoos and Aquaria (EAZA) we will be participating in their 2024 "Vietnamizing" conservation campaign, drawing attention to threats to the country’s amazing biodiversity and animal species, such as the François’ langur, whose wild populations are currently under pressure from habitat loss, hunting, and poaching."

With its vivid orange coloration, the newborn François' langur monkey (Trachypithecus françoisi) is a stunning sight, especially in comparison to the adults' black fur.

"The baby’s coat is expected to transition from orange to black over the next few months, which is the natural development of François’ langur monkeys", said Ms Power.

Through its website, Fota Wildlife Park is inviting the public to assist in naming the new youngster.