The Portuguese Institute of the Sea and Atmosphere (IPMA) reports a rise in thermometers between this Tuesday and Wednesday, with values above 20ºC, reaching 24ºC in some parts.

According to IPMA meteorologist Patrícia Marques, on Tuesday, precipitation may still occur "in the Minho and Douro Litoral region".

"The rest of the week will be with slightly cloudy or clear skies, with a generally weak wind from the east," she adds in a report by NM.

"We are predicting that on Tuesday and Wednesday there will be an increase in temperature values, both minimum and maximum, and from Wednesday onwards we will have values above normal for the time of year", she says.

The minimum temperature will vary between 11 and 14ºC, mainly in the South region and the Tagus valley. In the North and Center interior, these values will vary between 5 and 10ºC.

Regarding the maximum temperature, everything indicates that, in general, the values are higher than 20ºC, and should not exceed 24ºC. In the North and Central Interior and coastal strip, these values will be below 20ºC. Still, these will be above normal.

According to the meteorologist, the spring temperatures are due to the intensification of the Azores anticyclone over the Iberian Peninsula.