The two men, who live in the same building in Silves, became embroiled in a fight after one of them lost his patience with the other for leaving his bicycle chained to the bottom of the building’s staircase, impeding his wife’s passage.
Newspaper Correio da Manhã reported that arguments between the two men over the bicycle had been ongoing for a few weeks.
The owner of the bicycle, a 55-year-old man, had been told by the other, a 49-year-old, that where he left it made it hard for his wife to climb the stairs.
On Saturday things came to a head, culminating in blows and ultimately with the bicycle owner stabbing the complainant.
The victim was taken to Portimão Hospital with stab wounds to his thorax, abdomen, groin and both hands.
Neighbours called the police and the assailant was arrested without offering resistance.