A communiqué states that the citizens benefiting from refugee status are "two families of 13 Syrian citizens and one family of three Sudanese persons, who will be hosted by the Portuguese Council for Refugees".
"So far, 308 people have arrived in Portugal as part of the UNHCR and European Commission Voluntary Resettlement Programme. Of these, 156 come from Egypt and 152 from Turkey," the statement said.
The document highlights that "the reception and integration of refugees has been a priority for the Government, in a continuous effort involving the state and local authorities, as well as public and private entities, and has been recognised by the UN, the International Organization for Migration, the European Union and the Council of Europe".
Portugal has participated actively in the European effort to receive refugees by supporting the European Commission's proposals for the construction of a common European asylum policy, based on the principles of responsibility and solidarity, respect for human dignity and the fight against the trafficking of human beings.
Yet the government in Portugal was a few years ago encouraging young people to leave the country for work , now they want badly educated immigrants in their place , hoe stupid
By Paul R from Lisbon on 21 Aug 2019, 11:17
The government gives no figures on the total number who have arrived in Portugal , and the numbers that are still in the country . Also there is no indication of why they are accepted when the country has so much unemployment and some of the lowest salaries of the EU . Many of these people will not respect asylum agreements which are for protection NOT immigration , and who should go home in the future . The government has to justify telling young Portuguese to go abroad for work a few years ago , and now imports refugees . What is their connection to cheap labour for the business sector in Portugal ?
By Paul R from Lisbon on 22 Aug 2019, 10:28