Not only can IPTV Algarve provide you with ALL the UK live TV channels but also over 100,000 on demand movies, New Release Movies, TV Series Box Sets, Live Sports, Adult channels, International channels, Radio channels, YouTube, Facebook and much more!
IPTV Algarve supply two types of Digital Media Boxes and can advise you according to your needs, however you will require a minimum internet speed of 2Mb.
The boxes are a complete replacement for all your live TV and movie needs, better than satellite cable and Netflix combined.
No downloading just Plug and Play in your TV set, everything is pre-loaded for you.
The current cost of the boxes range from €150 to €195 and if you require the added advantage of 7 to 14 day catchup TV, this only costs a small extra fee of just €45 a year. “Monthly subscriptions are unnecessary and just a way of getting more money out of people, in my book honesty is always the best policy!”
So, if you want to watch Coronation Street or The One Show or if you have missed out on the latest series of Downton Abbey or indeed if you simply want to watch the latest movies in the comfort of your own home, call Nick now for a free no obligation chat.

For more information, telephone Nick on: 962 598 966 or email: