The protest against the entry of refugees into Portugal “Care for our own first” included representatives from various social network groups, “with different interpretations, some more radical than others”, but whose general view was that “in the current conditions in Portugal they (refugees) are not welcome”, said Nelson Dias da Silva, one of those who attended.
Nelson Dias da Silva said that, Portugal “cannot afford not to shelter (the Portuguese) and not resolve its problems first”.
“If we are talking about migrants, then we should accept them. That is what civilized countries do. They look at their economy, at their economic sector and choose the people they need, the qualifications and also the culture”, adding that there were “people from divergent cultures who, because of their nature, it is harder to integrate”.
The protestors waved placards with slogans like “Refugees not welcome”, “Sharia = primitive law”, “Portuguese against Islam” and “No to the invasion of Europe. Immigration only serves capitalism”.
“Portugal for the Portuguese”, “Two million in poverty waiting for social equality”, “Our own first”, “More support for the Portuguese” were other protest messages.
João Martins, one of the participants, also said that one group of demonstrators would deliver a letter of thanks to the Hungarian embassy about them closing their borders to the wave of refugees and migrants, mainly from the Middle East.
Dozens protest against arrival of refugees
By TPN/Lusa, in News · 24 Sep 2015, 13:07 · 5 Comments
German have, on the whole, understood that accepting people escaping war and death is a chance to show the world that they are no longer the nation that caused so much suffering in the past. Portugal is also a nation that over the centuries caused unspeakable suffering on many continents. By accepting a small number of refugees, Portugal can also show how much it has changed.
The small size of this group of protesters show us how most Portuguese understand this.
By Alan from Other on 27 Sep 2015, 11:38
Government are passing the problem onto the Portuguese public to sort out.Don't let Portugal become as it is in the UK where British culture no longer exists and if you speak out then you must be a racist.
Portugal is still untouched in some places by the political mess made by European leaders KEEP IT THAT WAY!!
By Troy from UK on 28 Sep 2015, 08:51
Our human dignity demands that we should help people in distress. We must accept our share of the burden of immigrants (for a burden they certainly are). Let us treat them with respect; but let us also be cautious before giving them all the rights as the citizens of the host country.
The greatest menace to our culture these days does not come from the refugees but from the apathy of the host-citizens, several of whom care for nothing but their own
personal private pleasure and comfort.
By Carmelo from Other on 29 Sep 2015, 10:40
I think Portugal should only take in Christian refugee's who are being tortured by Islamic fanatics. Not sure why Europe isn't banging on rich middle eastern countries such as Saudi Arabia, Quatar, Kuwait's door and demand they let their brothers in. Europe does not have an obligation to take in every single refugee from the middle east.
By Mary Jo from Other on 16 Mar 2016, 19:38
In response to Carmelo comment:
"The greatest menace to our culture these days does not come from the refugees but from the apathy of the host-citizens, several of whom care for nothing but their own
personal private pleasure and comfort."
The greatest menace to our culture are radicals from the left who care NOTHING about the safety of your own people. If you cared about keeping innocent children in your country safe from terrorist, you would PUT THEM FIRST & want refugees thoroughly vetted before coming into your country. ISIS has made it clear that they will infiltrate countries through the refugee program. Do you want the innocent children in your country to be safe or do you want to take a chance on them blown up by terrorist? Radicals like you are more dangerous than ISIS because ISIS cannot succeed without you.
By Bellatanner44 from Other on 30 Dec 2016, 14:04