"The decision of the US government leaves the PSD concerned, and that is why we have requested the presence of the minister of foreign affairs to the [foreign affairs] committee to provide clarification," party deputy António Rodrigues told journalists. "In addition we should like to invite te US ambassador to be present at the same committee to provide some clarification."

Sherman on Thursday unveiled the conclusions of a report on the reorganisation of the US military presence in Europe, which foresees the gradual reduction this year of the Portuguese workforce at Lajes, to 400 from the current 900, as US personnel are reduced to 165 from 650.

Portugal's government was swift to express what it called its "strong displeasure" at the decision, saying that it would be seeking further assurances on US contributions to alternative uses for the base.

The Azores regional government made even stronger comments, describing the US decision as "a slap in the face" for Portugal's central government.