Speaking to Lusa, Jorge Gomes said the radar system would have 30 mobile radars in 50 “extremely critical” locations.

“We are going to install the first radar in September and by next spring time we are going to have the 50 radar boxes up and ready”, he said, adding that the 30 new radars would not be fixed but would rotate round the boxes.

Jorge Gomes hoped that this system would reduce the number of fines reaching the statute of limitations without being paid.

“We are going to make some alterations that can reduce the processing”, he said, adding that the national radar system would allow for the misdemeanours to be processed automatically by crossing data from different sources.

“When the fine goes to the vehicle owner, it will be accompanied by a photograph of the speeding and the radar certificate”, he added.

The secretary said about 200,000 fines lapse each year, a problem that is not new.