We do get enquiries about many parts of the Algarve so it makes sense for us to have a base closer to some of our vendors in the Western Algarve, an area which is increasingly popular with buyers from all over Europe, not least French and French-speaking expats.
Although we are growing So Portugal’s mission remains the same; to help overseas buyers settle into a new environment where many customs and laws might be quite different to home. Happy clients means more recommendations and therefore more buyers for the properties we are selling, helping us to give the maximum market exposure for our vendors.
Turning to the market in general, we started 2018 in a very optimistic frame of mind and so far our optimism has been more than justified. Demand is rising and along with increasing numbers of buyers we are seeing increasing prices. There is a shortage of quality property on the market just now, reflecting the fact that there was not such a huge rush to build here as in Spain during the boom years.
We are now in the midst of our first busy selling spell of the year (the second comes with the departure of our Summer visitors) so if you are thinking of selling in 2018 there couldn’t be a better time to contact us than now. Give me a call anytime and I will explain how we work and why you should be speaking to us.

For further information, email Keith Wileman at: keith@so-portugal.com or Tel: (+351) 936862202