Students had last week in Portugal held a vigil outside parliament and spent the night to demand legal changes in defence of the planet.
Student climate protests have been taking place around the world, with around 1.6 million students in 125 countries marching to demand urgent measures against climate change.
There is no evidence, that man has a greater influence on climate than the natural climate change. If someone follows the publications of the IPCC and has some knowledge of physics, one can discover, that vapor and the cycles of the sun are the reasons for the "natural" climate changes, as they always were in the past.
And is it not evident, that there may be not even a warming the last ten years, but a getting colder every winter and less rain (which indicates cooling) just here in Portugal?
It is a big manipulation to control the people in a pseudo-moral "saving the planet". Most climate experts do not agree with the IPCC, but media and politics dont talk about this fact.
So the "planet saving" people waste their times and there are more important things to do than just striking.......
By johannes from Alentejo on 22 May 2019, 00:29