If you are looking to update the look of your home but do not want to buy all new furniture, doors or kitchen units then opt for the cost effective alternative of paint spraying from George.
George is able to re-spray your complete kitchen, original house doors, household furniture and he can even re-spray your exterior shutters, with the result being a completely new look for a property without the hefty price tag.
Paint spraying is a quick and easy solution for home renovation works, especially in areas such as the kitchen which can be given a complete revamp at a very reasonable cost and without the mess, dirt and inconvenience of having to fit a totally new kitchen in your home.
First impressions are always important and apply as much to your property, which is why paint spraying your shutters to give them a fresh and new look can give your home an entirely new appearance without the need for costly intervention.
George works with the best quality 2 pac polyurethane paints and lacquers to create the professional finish every time.
A complete kitchen usually takes about three days to finish depending on the amount of renovation needed and all of this is done with the help of his son Scott.
To find out more about the services offered by George, Professional Paint Sprayer, simply give them a call to arrange a visit to your home for a free, no obligation estimate.

For more information Call George on: 964 814 537