The space where Versailles is now, on the corner of Rua da Junqueira and Calçada da Ajuda, right next to the Palace of Belém, functioned as the campaign headquarters of Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa for the 2016 presidential elections.

Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, who is to turn 72 on December 12, was elected President of the Republic in the first round in the elections of January 24, 2016, with 52 percent of the vote.

The former president of the PSD party and political commentator on television, assumed the leadership of the State on March 9, 2016.

On November 24, the President of the Republic scheduled the presidential elections for January 24, 2021.

Candidacies must be formally submitted to the Constitutional Court no later than 30 days before the elections, December 24, proposed by a minimum of 7,500 and a maximum of 15,000 voters, and the election campaign will run from 10 to 22 January.

Under the law, if none of the candidates obtain more than half of the validly cast votes, excluding the blank votes, there will be a second suffrage, 21 days after the first, between the two most voted candidates - in this case, it will be on February 14 .

The next President of the Republic will take office before the Assembly of the Republic on March 9, 2021, the last day of Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa's current five-year term.