According to deputy and socialist leader Maria da Luz Rosinha, parliament “will extend its work with all normality until the moment when the decree is published by the President of the Republic”, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa.
“Until that date, everything will work normally. Afterwards, its work ceases, but the Permanent Commission of the Assembly of the Republic remains”, said the spokeswoman for the conference of parliamentary leaders.
Today's leaders' conference has made schedules for plenary meetings to be held on the 2nd, 4th, and 5th of November.
Next Tuesday, November 2nd, the plenary will be filled with political statements, while on the 4th the President of the Republic's vetoes will be reconsidered regarding euthanasia and the Local Economy Support Program (PAEL).
For this November 4th, in addition to petitions on various topics, four Government initiatives are also scheduled, two of which on company restructuring and extradition and loss of assets.
Finally, on the 5th, the Assembly of the Republic will consider the Ombudsman's report, in addition to the plenary discussion of another set of petitions.