“However, the numbers indicate that bookings are very low in traditional accommodation. In most cases, reservations do not reach 20 percent”, said the president of Turismo do Porto and North of Portugal (TPNP), Luís Pedro Martins.

In an interview with the Lusa News Agency, the official said that the prospects for Christmas and New Year's Eve "are still very weak".

“There was difficulty in preparing this period, which is explained by the whole climate of uncertainty in which we live. The tourist was, and is still, undecided because he expects the evolution of the pandemic situation and the measures that are being taken by the competent authorities”, he stressed.

Luís Pedro Martins said he is convinced that any bookings for this coming holiday period "will be made very close to the dates".

“We are reinforcing our promotion in the national, Spanish and international market of greater proximity through the sharing of the campaign 'The North over there! that we launched in the summer and contributed to mitigate the drop in demand, ”he said.

Related to the improvements, he stated: “Naturally, it is a long way from what we need. What we feel is that the hotel and tourism sector that has kept its businesses up and running is mobilising to attract the attention of demand. We are very grateful to these entrepreneurs who do not give up”.

"Due to the proximity of the date, we have felt an interest in looking for accommodation and experiences for Christmas, especially when looking for tourist apartments in the city of Porto", said the official.