According to the updated DGS guidance on day care centres, family day care centres and childminders, when accessing the facilities by the parent or person designated by him/her to deliver or pick up the child, “distance must be respected and the use of a face mask is recommended”.
The updated information also drops the obligation for children's shoes to be left at the door of the activities room where children sit or lie down on the floor, as well as the ban on sharing toys.
The need to guarantee a number of children per room remains, so that, in most activities, “distance is maximised”, without compromising the normal functioning of playful-pedagogical activities.
The indication is also maintained to maximise the physical distance between children when they are at tables, cribs and/or loungers and for children and employees to be organised in fixed rooms (each employee must correspond to only one group).
During the meal period, distancing and hygiene measures must be maintained, namely hand washing beforehand, travel delays to avoid children arriving at the same time, and the marking of places, ensuring maximum physical distance between people.