According to the Ministry of Health bulletin, 33,040 infections were registered the previous day and a total of 8,488,094, confirming the country as one of the main epicenters of the pandemic.

Brazil is one of the countries most affected by the pandemic with the second highest number of deaths from the virus, behind the United States, and the third highest number of infected, after the United States and India.

Today, the number of daily deaths has been reduced to almost half of the more than 1,000 deaths that had been recorded consecutively every day since Tuesday.

Despite the high numbers, the Government guarantees that more than 7.4 million people have recovered from the disease, which represents 87.3% of the total. Another 866,598 patients are still under medical supervision in hospitals or at their homes, after having tested positive.

The situation remains critical in 13 regions of the country, including the Amazon, whose capital, Manaus, is collapsing due to lack of oxygen and hospital beds according to Lusa.

Despite the gravity of the situation, the Government of President Jair Bolsonaro carried out the Enem tests, an exam that allows entry into higher education and in which about 5 million students participated.

The National Health Surveillance Agency of Brazil (Anvisa, the Brazilian regulatory body) authorised this Sunday the emergency use of vaccines from the Chinese laboratory Sinovac and the Anglo-Swedish AstraZeneca.