All the
proceeds from this evening will go towards the purchase of equipment for a
Snoezelen white room for autistic children at the Armação de Pêra School, a
project initiated by the Rotary Club of Silves.
Snoezelen white room concept was developed in the 1970s by two Dutchmen, Ad
Verheul and Jan Hulsegge. “Snoezelen” is a contraction of the verbs “Snuffelen”
(to sniff, to feel) and “Doezelen” (to doze). It is a space for relaxation and
multi-sensory stimulation for children with special needs.
This masked
ball is therefore an opportunity to spend a pleasant evening, in a festive
atmosphere, but also to contribute to better care for autistic children in the
Algarve. For more information and for reservations please email

It is also
possible to make a donation (Reference: "SNOEZELEN") to the bank
account of the Rotary Club Lagoa International:
0018 0003 5397 1412 020 04
Thank you
and kind regards