According to the spokesperson, socialist Maria da Luz Rosinha, three draft laws and one proposal to transpose a European directive will be debated.

As for the projects that several parties have already presented or announced on the subject, they may still be subject to dragging, since according to the Rules of Procedure of the Assembly of the Republic the request may be made up to ten days before.

However, according to the deputy, they will have to be "on matters related" to the Government's proposals.

The new law, which has been approved by the House of Representatives and the National Assembly, will be the first to be put to a vote on a bill to be tabled by the House of Representatives on 23 June.

For 8 Jun, in addition to a current affairs debate of the PCP already scheduled, will be debated draft Government laws, including one that changes the procedures related to the issuance of the Citizen's Card, while the debate on the State General Account was added to the plenary of 17 June.

As for new agendas, an interpellation of the CDS-PP to the Government was scheduled for 18 June, a current affairs debate by the Ecologist Party "Os Verdes" and, indicatively, for 7 July the debate on the Annual Report on Internal Security (RASI) and on 20 July, debates on European issues.

The PSD has said it intends to hold parliamentary sessions on 14 and 15 June - two days before the party's plenary session scheduled for 17 July - and the PS has said it will hold one day of sessions on 16 July, after its Congress on 10 and 11 July.