In an note sent to Lusa News Agency, socialist deputies write that “the takeover of power in Afghanistan by the Taliban forces raises numerous uncertainties and concerns regarding the possible resurgence of international terrorism and regarding respect for fundamental freedoms and rights, particularly in relation to women and girls”.

“After two decades of clear promotion of individual rights and freedoms after the fall of the Taliban regime, which ruled between 1996 and 2001, the return to power raises many well-founded fears that movements linked to Islamic fundamentalism will once again be protected and that a rigid interpretation of Islamic law, the 'sharia', be re-imposed, with an impact on the breach of fundamental freedoms and rights, particularly of women and girls, who now fear what may happen to them in the near future”, they point out.

Socialists also refer that the situation of women and girls in Afghanistan “has been particularly at the center of concerns of the international community, namely the United Nations and the European Union, taking into account the past experience of oppressive Taliban governance”.

“According to World Bank data, Afghanistan has one of the lowest literacy rates in the world, but it mainly affects women, which is 30 percent, while in men it is 55 percent”, they said.

The fear is that women “lose the right to freely access the professions in general, education and the possibility of getting involved in civic and political organizations”.

"They are afraid of losing such simple things as the right to go out on their own, to be able to go to schools and be able to learn and teach, own their own business, drive a car or participate in sporting competitions", they add, also pointing to the fear that “forced marriages, whipping and stoning and other serious restrictions on personal freedoms and rights are once again common practice”.

In this context, PS deputies voted “deeply concerned about the possibility of Afghanistan once again becoming a sanctuary for terrorism and that the rights, freedoms and guarantees are suppressed, with particular emphasis on women and girls, calling for the achievements achieved over two decades be maintained and reinforced”.

The Taliban conquered Kabul on 15 August, culminating an offensive that began in May, after the withdrawal of US and NATO forces began.