"I am here to bring you four illustrated books and an album, the first works of Néveda Ent.," thus began Terry Costa's presentation, which was followed by a public interview by Sérgio Mourato, from OMNI Television, and ended the evening with the reading of the first book ´Néveda in the Azores´. University professor Maria João-Dodman, young artist Marco, Portuguese teacher Teresa Luiz and author Terry Costa himself, each reading one of the four languages in which the book has already been published: English, Spanish, French, and Portuguese.
The Consul General of Portugal in Toronto, Dr. Sofia Batalha, not only opened the doors to the event at the Almada Negreiros Gallery at the Consulate, but also spoke about the importance of books for children, and in particular bilingual books for the community.

José Pedro Ferreira, the coordinator of Portuguese education in Canada, Camões I.P. Institute for Cooperation and Language, was the host for several presentations in Portuguese schools in the area, namely the First Portuguese school and Novos Horizontes.

Terry Costa would like to thank all the media, entities and people that helped to pass on the word about the first presentation of Néveda Ent. in Canada, especially the team at the Consulate.
The books ´Neveda in the Azores´ and ´Néveda in the Americas´, by Terry Costa, illustrated by Vera Bettencourt, ´O menino que queria ver a baleia azul a passar nos Açores´, by Isabel Mateus, illustrated by Filipe Gomes, ´Música, Maestro!´, by Terry Costa, illustrated by Sara and Ivo Baptista, as well as the album ´Aliens´ by Flip, are available at Saudade Toronto, on Dundas Street West, the official partner house of MiratecArts in Toronto.

MiratecArts is the cultural organiztion that develops the idea and stories until it is ready for edition by the Néveda Ent. The books are also available for purchase through www.nevedapico.com and you can follow facebook.com/nevedapico for the latest news.