据《行政文摘》援引《公共报》的报道,根据由 10 名最高法院法官签署的裁决,该裁决的目的是结束因移民和多元文化管理局(AIMA)没有能力对申请做出回应而造成的有辱人格的情况。
这项裁决源于最高法院(STJ)的一项判决,该判决规定 AIMA 必须在 90 天的法定期限内完成移民居留证的申请。
因此,如果 AIMA 的员工不能及时解决法院在这方面的传票,该机构的负责人可能不得不自掏腰包支付法院可能对其处以的罚款。
外国人和边境服务局(SEF)的后继机构有 40 多万个未决程序,目前正苦于缺乏资源来应对如此多的请求。
AIMA 工会主席阿图尔-吉朗(Artur Girão)认为,法院的强制执行违反了法律,但并不能解决问题。我们只希望这一决定不会导致对此类机制的急于求成,因为如果出现这种情况,该组织将陷入瘫痪,主管们将无法为并非由其自身责任,而是由于该机构没有应对手段而出现的情况支付罚款",该负责人在接受 "Renascença "电台采访时强调说。
The lack of resources is indeed an important fact. But that is not an excuse to shirk responsibility. I am also one of the 400,000 people. I've been waiting for news for 11 months since June 2023, when I filed my taxes, paid Social Security, and submitted my application, and still don't see any hope. I open my mailbox countless times a day, hoping to see the email from AIMA, but nothing. Disappointments like this I experience ten times a day, if not more. I hope that this judge's ruling will put pressure on AIMA and push their efficiency to end the nightmare of 400,000 people as soon as possible
作者 Zhaoxiao from Lisbon on 07 6月 2024, 18:01