For many years the population of the parish and the executives of the Caranguejeira Parish Council have aimed to “have an infrastructure to be an anchor to attract visitors to the parish and that gives the community back a space that is unique in the territory with green areas, water levels and built spaces with history”.

“As part of the municipality’s development strategy, the Municipality of Leiria intends to design an eco-park” for Quinta do Faria, a private property, which has been available for occasional use by the community and educational, social, cultural, and sporting institutions of the municipality and where, over the last two years, the Leiria Kids children's festival took place.

Located in the centre of the town of Caranguejeira, Quinta do Faria has access and parking capacity without compromising the normal functioning of the road network. With an approximate area of ​​60 thousand square meters, the space has a reception area, agricultural area, and riparian which will allow the space “to host various types of events and activities”.

This project will create "a facility for public use that could be an anchor for increasing tourist demand in Leiria, an economic booster for the territory and a differentiating means of preserving the culture and traditions of Leiria and raising awareness of sustainability issues”.