Tony Bennett, currently 94, was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease in 2016 but still does not show the most severe symptoms of the disease. According to an account from people who are close to him, despite momentary memory failures and some difficulty in understanding where he is, the singer still recognises those close to him and can talk.
The article published today by the website AARP, an association for pensioners that brings together millions of elderly people, states that the disease did not stop the activity of Tony Bennett until, last year, the pandemic of covid-19 forced him to stop, with one of his doctors considering that this pause will have contributed to the deterioration of his state of health.
The singer and his entourage agreed to give this interview to talk about life with Alzheimer's disease, having, to that end, chosen the website of the association of reformed AARP. After the article was published, Tony Bennett wrote on his Twitter account that "life is a gift, even with Alzheimer's."
Between 2018 and 2020 Tony Bennett also recorded a second album with singer Lady Gaga, following the success of the duet series on "Cheek to Cheek" in 2014. Tony Bennet became famous in the early 1950s with hits such as "Because of you", having relaunched his career from the mid-1990s, with duets with figures such as Sinatra, Perry Como and Dean Martin. Tony Bennett is singled out as one of the most important American singers of Italian origin.