For several years now, suspicions of sexual abuse have been reported against Marilyn Manson, whose real name is Brian Warner. In 2018, Evan Rachel Wood had stated that she was raped during hearings that took place in the United States Congress (USA), without, however, revealing the identity of the aggressor.
At least five women posted on the social network Instagram, almost simultaneously, complaints against the artist.
Evan Rachel Wood, 33, reported Manson "manipulated her psychologically" before she was 20, adding that she had been the target of "horrible abuse for years."
The actress, known in particular for her participation in the series "Westworld", had a relationship with Marilyn Manson that ended in 2010.
In 2018, during a hearing before the House of Representatives Judicial Affairs Committee, the actress mentioned one who had been the victim of physical and psychological abuse. Evan Rachel Wood also said she was raped several times. Today, the message she published revealed that Brian Warner was the aggressor she was talking about three years ago. The other four women accuse the American artist of sexual abuse, manipulation, sexual harassment, mistreatment and threats.
Manson, 52, was known for creating a disturbing, Gothic-inspired character. The artist's name is a combination of the name of iconic American actress Marilyn Monroe and the nickname of the murderer Charles Manson, responsible for the death of actress Sharon Tate. Manson's concerts are known for blending Gothic and satanic elements with metal-inspired music. Two of the artist's albums were the best sellers at the time in the USA.
Some of the women who say they were raped by the artist revealed that they were old 'groupies', and portrayed a seductive, manipulative character who tied them up, threatened and forced them into drug use. "I'm tired of living in fear of reprisals, slander and blackmail," writes Evan Rachel Wood.
In a 2009 interview with Spin magazine, Manson said he had "every day the fantasy of spraying" the actress's skull "with a hammer." France-Presse (AFP) questioned the artist's spokesman and lawyer, who have not yet responded.