"With a decreasing trend, since April 2021, the number of beneficiaries with unemployment benefits, in August 2021, was 231,212, less 9,776 compared to the previous month (-4.1%), but 918 more compared to the same period of the previous year (+0.4%)” indicates the summary prepared by the Strategy and Planning Office (GEP) of the Ministry of Labour, Solidarity and Social Security.
The number of beneficiaries of unemployment benefit was 164,962 in August, 3,550 less benefits considering the previous month and 28,351 less than the same period of the previous year.
The initial unemployment social benefit fell 3.4% compared to the previous month (less 244 beneficiaries) and decreased 36.7% compared to August 2020, reaching 6,893 people.
The subsequent unemployment social benefit covered 12,686 people, a decrease of 2% compared to the previous month and 35.3% compared to the same period of the previous year.
In turn, the extension of the unemployment benefit registered a monthly increase of 498 processes, totalling 43,618 beneficiaries in August.
According to the GEP, females represented 59% of unemployment benefit recipients, while males represented 41%.
By age group, individuals aged between 50 and 59 years and 40 and 49 years presented the highest proportion: 24.6% and 24.5%, respectively.
The average monthly allowance per beneficiary was €538.71 in August.
According to data also released today by the Institute of Employment and Professional Training (IEFP), at the end of August, 368,404 were unemployed in the mainland and the Autonomous Regions.
As for pensions, in August there were 2,060,589 pensioners, of which 52.9% were female and 47.1% were male.
In year-on-year terms there was a decrease of 0.2% in the number of pensioners and, in monthly terms, an increase of 0.1%.
The number of beneficiaries of sickness benefit was 200,867 in August, 9.5% less than in July, but 20.7% more than in the same period of the previous year.