Association for Protection of Animals Algarve, had a bumper year with their
‘Pop-Ups’ Up and down the EN125, and some of the back roads. Wagon wheels
churning a path of homemade preserves, chutneys, and jams. Keyrings, baby knits.
Designer Wreathes. Glassware, ornaments, Christmas goodies, all in the name of
Calendars, Christmas Cards, designed by Gill Goode just for APAA. Hoping to get
a well-deserved rest Jenny Clarke, APAA’s President, bombing around the
platinum triangle. First top, shop at Alvor, back to Oudelouca on to Silves.
Dizzy? Anita, packing, unpacking, shall we? Shan’t we? Big sellers little and
large decisions. Judy, in the background helping hands. Caring hands. There are
many, more, Zélia Santos and her helpers with Cat Colonies. The wonderful happy
ladies at Alvor, a suggestion, helping to forage around for the right item-
Smiling Silves, with their boutique style window. Doggy bowl always topped up outside.
Lisa Dowling editor of APAA’s Facebook. Countless people, behind the scenes who
just “do” stuff.
Volunteers are always a special race of people. The APAA tribe, is as diverse and quirky as everyone else’s. Some shy, others outspoken. All willing! Jackie’s biscuits, calendar design. Jane with her backup and willingness to give assistance, and advice at all times. Jenny Clarke has completed her last batch of preserves and jams. “That’s it!” She is a happy bunny. “The second half of 2022 has flown by. Success has been wonderful at our ‘Pop-Ups’. We need more helpers, for sure. But as the saying goes it is definitely quality, not quantity!” Indeed. Spaying and Neutering Programme, SNiP has been the driving force for all of the team members at APAA. “Gosh! We’ll have to start planning for next season, next year.”
Happiness is the reason for APAA’s being. Animal welfare and care has to sometimes fall to
their partners, Pet Park. “Sadly Caroline left our sunny shores. But luckily we
had Gary and Wendy take over, helping with our invaluable re-homing projects.”
Pet Park is run as a full-time business, but they find a little special loving
place for the real needy abandoned dogs. Still looking for a forever home,
‘Rafa’, ‘Lilly’, ‘Dusty’. Go on pay a visit. Take a treat.
Contacts: info.appaaportugal@gmail.com.
Web: www.apaaportugal.com
Pet Park:
926660465 Cat Colonies: zelia.santos@live.co.uk.
Finally, to
All our readers at The Portugal News, members, followers, fantastic volunteers. Thanks!