Nine restaurant, bar and nightclub owners will today enter a sixth day of hunger strike outside Parliament in protest against coronavirus restrictions. The protesters - camping outside parliament and living off water, tea and coffee donated by their supporters - say they will not eat until they are met by the prime minister and economy minister. One more business owner joined their strike on Sunday. The curfew and weekend lockdown in place across most of the country since November 8 has angered restaurateurs, who say many of their businesses will not survive the year.
The Portuguese Government should be ashamed of themselves.
Where is their compassion ?? Do they even know what the word means after making small businesses go through all the pain of lost livelihoods ??
Shame on them !!!
By Julia Carmichael from UK on 02 Dec 2020, 19:20
Het is wat het is. Sorry dat ik het zeggen moet. Maar het is voor iedereen en wereldwijd moeilijk. Hier bij ons zijn de kappers, restaurants en cafés al gesloten sinds begin oktober en blijft zo tot begin februari. Wat wil je open blijven en blijven het virus doorgeven, mensen ziek maken met als gevolg dat er geen einde aankomt? Nog zwaardere regels? Het beestje loopt, vliegt what ever men ziet het niet en spaart niemand maar ook niemand. Gevolg dat je zelf positief bent als uitbater en wat dan? Misschien helemaal geen inkomen meer. Wees creatief en haal het positieve uit het negatieve en blijf daar niet over jammeren. Het komt wel weer helemaal goed. Be positif!
By Bertrand Devleeshouwer from Other on 03 Dec 2020, 10:00
The Uk government are doing Exactly the same. 198 Countries around the world are in on this Scam.
By Steve from UK on 03 Dec 2020, 10:51
What’s with all the UK navelgazers complaining that they can’t fill the hospitals fast enough?
By Brent Eilliams from Alentejo on 03 Dec 2020, 22:56
Choice between life ( being safe) or brainer. News flash- spread of virus due to behaviour of people, not goverment! Take responsibility people!
By Peter from UK on 04 Dec 2020, 08:54
@ Bertrand Devleeshouwer. Stop listening to media and try thinking for yourself
The lockdowns are based on fraud
Lockdowns are based on high levels of COVID cases.
“We have so many new cases, we have to lock down.”
This claim is based on the diagnostic PCR test.
The more tests you do, the more positive results come up. A positive result is taken to mean: the person is infected with the virus.
But overwhelmingly, these so-called “infected” people have no symptoms. They are healthy. Nevertheless, each one is called a “COVID case.” This is absurd.
A case should mean the person has clinical symptoms; he is sick.
These people aren’t sick, and there is no indication they will get sick.
So…expand testing, test millions of people, obtain results claiming “infection,” call all these healthy people “cases,” and order lock downs.
This is a straight-out con. The real goal is lockdowns and economic devastation.
This is a crime against humanity
By Nikola from Other on 05 Dec 2020, 04:20
It’s far better to starve to death than to get the flu.
At least starvation is quick.
When people are starving, they will be saying: “at least I didn’t get the flu.”
By Martine from Other on 05 Dec 2020, 16:46