His primary focus was on highlighting the need for everyone to stay at home whenever possible.
“The fundamental message from the decisions that we have made, is to highlight the need for everyone to stay at home, as was practiced in March and April”, said the Prime Minister.
The rules for the lockdown in general will be the same as were applied in the first phase, which were applied from March to April last year. The only major change for this will be that children will be able to attend schools, with all educational establishments remaining opening.
António Costa explained that the possibility of closing schools had been up for discussion but the Minister of Education highlighted that sending students home would lead to greater risks than the spreading of the virus of a generation of children. “We will keep all educational establishments fully operational”, he added.
In his message he also highlighted that the vaccine against the Covid-19 virus had given hope to many that we would be able to overcome the pandemic but that this had also led to a general relaxation by the Portuguese people which he felt justified the return to full lockdown. He added: “There should be no fatigue in trying to combat the pandemic because the collective pain of having more than 100 deaths a day in the country is simply unacceptable,” he added that the price we are paying is “unbearable”.
Working from home will continue to be mandatory however the seriousness of not following these rules has been stated by the Prime Minister who added that there will be “very serious fines” for those who breach the teleworking rules.
“Working from home really is mandatory whenever possible. To ensure compliance with this obligation, we consider that a violation of this to be very serious and will result in fines. As a sign to the population about the severity of this issue we ask every individual to be responsible and all fines predicted for pandemic violation are doubled,” said the prime minister.
For those who are unable to work from home António Costa has assured that the simplified layoff regime will be automatic for all businesses forced to close and to guarantee support to all those affected. He added that he sympathized with people losing their social life and freedoms but added that “life is priceless” and the price that the country is having to pay now is because the pandemic is “unbearable”.
"We have reached a point where it is not possible to hesitate about what needs to be done," António Costa continued, stating that "we fought collectively to avoid what we are deciding today. We started taking the first measures on September 15th and were adapting the measures according to the evolution of the pandemic. We pulled the handbrake for the New Year. The cost of human life is priceless and we have reached a point where it is not possible to hesitate in relation to what needs to be done ", he explained.
All businesses that were closed in the first lockdown will once again close, this will include hairdressers and gyms, with restaurants only being able to offer take away options. Supermarkets and pharmacies will remain open with restrictions on the number of people able to enter.
The prime minister made it clear that on the whole the rules for the lockdown would be the same as during March and April, with the exception of schools.
The new lockdown rules will come into force for the entire country from Friday, 15 January.
Originally from the UK, Daisy has been living and working in Portugal for more than 20 years. She has worked in PR, marketing and journalism, and has been the editor of The Portugal News since 2019. Jornalista 7920

A summary of the rules of the first lockdown would be helpful. Because apart from the work at home and stay at home rules, I don't remember exactly what the rules were about outdoor sport, walking the dog etc.
By Scarlett Verkuijlen from Algarve on 13 Jan 2021, 19:20
October 10, 2020 in this very newspaper: "Prime Minister António Costa has reiterated that Portugal cannot afford a second lockdown". Well, that changed fast. There's no way this country will economically survive decisions now taken. This is clearly a sign that we're going to crash and conveniently 'rescued' by the great reset. PCR tests have been pushed through the ceiling recently; it's all quite obvious.
By Ann from Algarve on 13 Jan 2021, 19:22
And what are the rules? The article would have been more helpful if it had actually mentioned that.
By Mike from Algarve on 13 Jan 2021, 19:41
When oh when are these people going to wake up and smell the coffee. There has never been a cure for a virus yet and they won't cure this one. Who do they think they are taking away peoples liberties and destroying good peoples lives. How many are going to be unemployed after all this? Not you Mr Costa, you will still be sitting pretty eh? Time to grow up I think!
By Martin from Lisbon on 13 Jan 2021, 20:03
But what are the specific rules. Can you exercise, are golf courses etc open?
By Richard Coombe from Algarve on 13 Jan 2021, 20:24
While I understand that life is important and the need for a lockdown to mitigate the spread. What I don't understand is why the government isn't giving a clear plan on the financial help they are giving companies. On the previous lockdown we had to shoulder the salaries of our employees. Yes, we get financial help but that only goes to Social Security cause while we are paying our employees we are also expected to pay Social Security so in reality we have zero help from the government. Now, our business is about to close cause for almost a year we have been shouldering the salaries with close to nothing income. If we do have any income almost half of it goes to government fees. While in my opinion the pandemic is real and we should all be careful and do our part. The government should be more specific with their plans as well and inform the people. Majority of us will die from stressing where we will get the funds to support the families who needs us and paying of government fees.
By Jey from Algarve on 13 Jan 2021, 21:14
I am 73 and a cancer survivor, our son is 16. Schools are one of the most obvious places where the new highly infectious Corona is known to spread. If he goes to school, the chances are high that he will bring back Corona to our family. As it may well be fatal for me, I am not prepared to take that risk.
The school in Alvide only teaches Portuguese once a week and as we are as yet English speaking, the other lessons are incomprehensible to him. Better he learns Portuguese at home, which we are doing. Why should I die for the minimal benefit the school bestows in this situation? And if my wife and I both succumb, will the Prime Minister be financially responsible for and look after our son in his family?
Other countries realised the schools must close - Portugal must think more practically about this and close schools and colleges until after we have been vaccinated.
Chris Fraser-Jenkins.
By Chris Fraser-Jenkins from Lisbon on 13 Jan 2021, 21:37
2018/2019 the Ricardo Jorge Health Institutes said mortality attributed to influenza, to 3,331, against 3,700 in the 2017/2018 season. Many old people were vaccinated for flu but still so many deaths. Currently 8,236 deaths "associated" with Covid-19 which began mid 2020 and 2021 but were any deaths attributed from late 2019. Half of the deaths are indirect so due to associated covid19 measures imposed by the Government. This alone shows there is no change in actual deaths but Government policies are killing people and destroying livelihoods. If the Government meaures have been so successful why do the inaccurate PCR positive tests keep going up. Why are healthy people call infected if they have no symptoms? Next issue is masks, what of the harm of getting the brain accustomed to lack of oxygen. This was noted previously in peer reviewed paper in Germany but now dismissed and not even considered but imposed on young teenage children. Who is recording this harm at public health? No one but someone needs to be held accountable when the harm becomes real.
By Ms BC from Other on 13 Jan 2021, 21:39
Well, gyms closing is an absolute NONSENSE, speaking purely scientifically based on the multiple studies conducted last year. It's been categorically shown that transmission rates are absolutely minimal and preventing the general public, and athletes, from training is, quite literally, an act of ignorance.
By Matt from Algarve on 14 Jan 2021, 00:44
Don't know how to start but have a try.All over the world we heard how governments helped businesses and every single individuals. Unfortunately in Portugal lawmakers made laws not to give whoever entitled whatis their rights given by EU. I have five little shops in Lisbon and 5 employees and I have debt in social. If somebody have debts they can't get any help from government. This is the Oscar winning law the world can copy from the most corrupt Portuguese law makers. Just their help in lip service nothing in real. I know my comments does not make any different. But I hope there is some good hearted lawmakers who might change this injustice and corruption
By A samad from Lisbon on 14 Jan 2021, 02:10
May I walk to the beach
By Raffael Eykerman from Algarve on 14 Jan 2021, 10:10
What a useless uninformative article. What were the lockdown rules in Mar/Apr? You missed an opportunity to inform the people. You are in the business of spreading news and information - what a lazy article. Incompetent and unprofessional. A wasted opportunity.
By Neil Jackson from Algarve on 14 Jan 2021, 11:13
Please look for the lockdown rules in council websites and the DGS website. If you cannot read Portuguese, use google to translate.
The health service in this country is at breaking point and none of us can afford to get ill now. Please just stop complaining, bending the rules or rebelling.
We are talking about TWO WEEKS of lockdown and if we all comply and manage to stop the spread, the sooner we can start getting back to near normal. That is the goal.
Please look after yourselves and those around you.
By Annie from Algarve on 14 Jan 2021, 11:19
So the rules are? Can anyone be more specific?
By Alex from Lisbon on 14 Jan 2021, 11:32
I recommend everyone to go do their own independent research on the following. Find good quality, peer reviewed, evidence based studies.
The effectiveness of locking down populations and associated costs.
The accuracy of the PCR test.
The efficacy and safety of the vaccine.
The efficacy of masks.
The efficacy of social distancing .
Historic mortality rates.
When the masses possess a firm grasp of the realities of these topics, perhaps society will have a chance to recover from this self inflicted destruction.
By Miguel from Lisbon on 14 Jan 2021, 12:04
Podes ler aqui -https://covid19estamoson.gov.pt/medidas-covid19-concelhos-risco-muito-elevado/
By Tom from Lisbon on 14 Jan 2021, 12:57
The only plan these people have...I.e. Government's is to make you slave's...You are in control of your happiness and wellbeing and what goes into your body...I spent 15 year's on The Department Of Veterans Affairs medicine in The U.S. and it nearly killed me...Had I let fear take over, I wouldn't be living an Happy, Peaceful and Healthy life here in Portugal...I would be Dead...Wake Up Sheeple...
By Sakamoto Saurez from Lisbon on 14 Jan 2021, 13:35
Measures for the entire continental national territory, effective as of 00:00 on 15 January
General duty of home collection , except for a set of authorized trips, namely:
acquisition of essential goods and services,
performance of professional activities when there is no teleworking,
participation in the scope of the electoral campaign or the election of the President of the Republic,
the frequency of school establishments, the fulfillment of parental responsibility sharing,
Mandatory confinement for people with COVID-19 or under active surveillance ;
Mandatory adoption of the teleworking regime , whenever the functions in question allow, without the need for agreement by the parties , teleworking for essential service workers is not mandatory;
Exceptional and temporary regime for exercising early voting rights for voters who are in mandatory confinement, namely citizens residing in residential structures for the elderly and other responses dedicated to the elderly;
Closure of a wide range of facilities and establishments , including cultural and leisure activities, sports activities and spas;
Retail and service provision activities were suspended in establishments open to the public , with the exception of authorized establishments;
Catering establishments and the like operate exclusively for home delivery or take-away;
Public services provide face-to-face service by appointment , with the provision of services through digital media and contact centers being maintained and strengthened;
Operation of fairs and markets, only for the sale of food products ;
Celebrations and other events are prohibited , with the exception of religious ceremonies and events within the scope of the electoral campaign and elections..
By Dom from Lisbon on 14 Jan 2021, 14:16
information is lacking something - like what about foreignres. I have a property in Portugal bought for my retirement. I am not Portugal resident at this stage yet. Can I enter Portugal for some time, of course follwing the rules of staying at home there
Looking forward to have some clarification on that
Thanks in advance
By pawel prokop from Other on 14 Jan 2021, 15:12
It is HIGH TIME we all wake up to this fraud !
Covid was meant to be a complete sabotage to the free people of the world.
We have been fooled and played with.
It does not take a rocket scientist to realise none of this makes sense. Walk into a restaurant with a mask on, but the virus may decide it won't infect you when you take it off to eat.
Now they tell us, we are all clear from the possibility of infection ONLY when we go to vote for a puppet president and go to school to study. What's the point of going to school anyway as there won't be any jobs left as they have literally murdered all the businesses.
A total sham beyond comprehension and we are all still playing into their hand ! Just look at prime minister's face, he loves it.
There is no logic to any of this simply because it is all a fraud to start off with.
By Pepe Pontinegro from Lisbon on 14 Jan 2021, 16:10
"What about Gyms" ..."What about golf courses" ...? My God, do some of you people every say this out loud? Say this: "Yes, I know this virus is killing people less fortunate than me physically and financially, but can I go golfing?" Say it out loud. Selfish. Self absorbed. The country shouldn't have opened to anyone outside of the country for the sake of tourism during the summer and Autumn and now we pay the price. Covid under control, the economy will follow. Stay home and suffer without golf or the gym for a few more months, because the life or business you save may be your own. Live to golf another day.
By Elle from Porto on 14 Jan 2021, 19:13
Can we even go surfing?
By Tatsiana from Lisbon on 14 Jan 2021, 19:18
"Stay at home"
What a stupid rule. If I drive my motorcycle around. I will not get any virus or spread any virus. I do not stop at any restaurants or cafés. Only at empty places in the nature. Why take this away from us ?
By Gustav from Algarve on 14 Jan 2021, 20:55
I would like to know is there any aid for unemployed staff? I have been entitled to get social support during pandemic luckily I got for last 6 months .Recently segurenca social office has stopped to count me as unemployed candidate .In this case what would I do? How I am greatly concerned how will I meet my room and food .The situation is now became humanitarian.
By Johan from Lisbon on 14 Jan 2021, 21:24
Please can we stand united in respecting the State of Emergency rules in order for our livelihood to come back to normal.We need to have some discipline and respect for ourself as well for others,this Pandemic is as real as it comes.People who are spreading misinformation regarding the authencity of this Pandemic should go help as a volunteer in the covid19 hosputals to know how detrimental Covid19 is.I appeal to all citizens luving in Portugal lets join in combating this Virus.Stay safe,Stay home and disinfectinv should be our daily life.God bless everyone.Lets make stay at home a time to bond with family,lets be creative organising exercise, games and create family cooking lessons.
By Ash from Algarve on 16 Jan 2021, 03:23
My husband rod fishes off tbe coast. Can he still fish alone during lockdown?
By Carol McNulty from UK on 18 Jan 2021, 14:09
I read an article today about The New York Times, it stated, A new Twitter app encourages people to 'fight disinformation' by blocking over 800 New York Times reporters... and,,, "Twitter users have begun mass-blocking New York Times-linked accounts to control the flood of corporate disinformation online." then i read this users comment,, '' It seems the easiest way to identify a fake news source is by their comment policy. No comments = fake news '' so to the moderators, thank you for the comments section, although the comments are from all directions, let them stand, no one is right or wrong, everyone has a say and to this topic i say, do a lot of research, don't believe the narrative, the gov and main stream media are lying through their teeth, research this, COVID-19 cases in the US and India, look here,
Location Cases...per 100K Deaths ...per 100K
United States 8,248 142
India 793 11
Deaths in India per 100 000 people is 11, the US is 142, why, look it up, the hint is mosquitos, seek the truth,
By Joao Martins from Algarve on 08 Feb 2021, 23:57