“As of May 12, nine cases of variant B.1.617 (associated with India), seven cases of strain B.1.617.1 and two cases of strain B.1.617.2 have been identified. There does not seem to be any community transmission of this variant”, indicates the Directorate-General for Health (DGS) and the National Institute of Health Doutor Ricardo Jorge (INSA) report.
In addition to the UK variant, responsible for 91.2% of cases of infection in Portugal, health authorities confirmed the community transmission of variants associated with South Africa (88 identified cases of covid-19) and Manaus, in Brazil, (114 cases).
Just wait a month.
One week from now we will import it from UK
By Gustav from Algarve on 15 May 2021, 19:14
From BBC:
"Boris Johnson has said he is "anxious" about the Indian variant of Covid and is "ruling nothing out" to tackle it."
And the Portuguese goverment says "Welcome to Portugal with your Indian virus"
Are they allowed to think ? Or is it only Hotel owners that dictate ?
By Gustav from Algarve on 15 May 2021, 23:26
Why no-one is afraid of the Finnish variant?
Because COVID situation in Finland is among the least severe...
...But wait: COVID in India is actually equally deadly as in Finland, and less then 1 tenth as deadly as in UK... How can it be?
There is 1.400.000.000 people in India... There is no noticeable mortality from COVID in India.
By K. Lehto from Other on 16 May 2021, 06:01
Gustav is right to be concerned. Why is a football match between two English clubs not being held in England? Why risk spreading the prevalent Indian variant in Northern Portugal? Time will tell whether this is another foolhardy mistake.
By Suzanne Fletcher from UK on 28 May 2021, 14:26
Yes its just india who is spreading corona but you white people doing nothing you are very innocent like child you dont do parties dont go on beach dont do anything this all blame put on india . But dont forgot india is giving you vaccinations also . vaccine to all poor world . Who just know how to go beach and do parties.
By Gurwinder singh from Lisbon on 18 Jun 2021, 08:59