With this bill, the PAN party wants to establish that "animals cannot be housed on balconies, terraces and similar spaces, without prejudice to their occasional presence in these places for a time not exceeding three hours a day".
The PAN partyalso wants that "no pet may be permanently chained or tethered" and, "in the case the use of chaining proves to be essential for the safety of people, the animal itself or other animals, and there is no alternative, it must always be limited to the shortest period of time possible, without exceeding three hours a day, and always safeguarding the animal's needs for exercise, shelter, food, water, hygiene and leisure".
The party predicts that the violation of this norm "constitutes animal maltreatment, an offense foreseen and punished by the Criminal Code" and proposes that it enter into force within one year after the publication of the law.
The law also establishes that "pets cannot be left alone, without a human or other animal, for more than 12 hours".
This plan "will include the implementation of adequate solutions to their housing conditions, as well as financial support for this purpose in situations of social and economic needs" and also foresees the initiative, pointing out that this support "may be channelled from the budget allocated to municipalities in the field of animal health and protection and the detention and control of the population of pets".
The project also provides that all municipalities must make public annual management reports "with the numbers of unchaining of pets carried out, with an indication of the species of animal, situation in which it was found, adopted solution and respective amount spent" to allow for "a report on the situation at a national level".
The PAN party deputies argue that, "if animals remain chained to a confined area for hours, days, months or even years", animals "may suffer serious emotional and physical damage due to the accumulated effects of isolation, frustration and boredom" and they can also become aggressive, and indicate that permanent chaining is already prohibited in parts of Spain, France, Germany and some US states.
Spain actually has a law like that? Shame on Portugal! My brother-in-law once had a dog named Bo he kept chained to a tree. Bo did have a doghouse that he could go into or sit on. But Bo would just run circles around the tree. Carved a circle in the dirt. When he finally released Bo, Bo continued to run circles....
By William from Other on 25 Jun 2021, 00:47
Les animaux domestiques sont des amis sensibles et affectueux qui nous aident à supporter les êtres humains, naturellement envieux, malveillants et cruels à l'égard de leurs congénères. Je me joins à ceux qui, comme cette association proposent que leur maltraitance soit considérée comme délictuelle, voire dans cetains cas comme criminelle.
By PAQUIN Serge from Algarve on 25 Jun 2021, 07:35
A lack of empathy or simple disregard for an animal are the main causes. Ignorance will always assert itself, and those keeping animals in such poor conditions are amongst the most ignorant.
By Ian from Lisbon on 25 Jun 2021, 08:25
I fully support this. I visit Portugal regularly owning a property in a central rural village. It has always saddened me to see dogs chained, knowing that they are man's best friend and more loyal than any humans. That being said, over the past 14 yrs i have seen a huge increase in Portuguese owning dogs as pets. This pleases me very much.
By Maxine Morris from UK on 25 Jun 2021, 10:04
This should never be allowed in any country. Why have an animal in the first place if you don't care about it. Animals have feelings too!
By Teresa from Algarve on 25 Jun 2021, 10:30
How about cleaning up after your dogs. In our park in Monte Estoril there are plastic bag dispensers and bins and still many don’t pick up after their dogs. Graffiti is bad enough.
By Preston from Other on 25 Jun 2021, 11:28
In Central Portugal many dogs are locked in sheds barking all night and day, chained up and also running loose in groups. We walk our dog 2-3 times a day and only ever meet loose dogs without their owners, this usually sets off a chain of barking throughout the village. We sometimes feel we are causing a nuisance but our Labrador needs his exercise and at least we pick up after him.
By Ian Chestney from Other on 25 Jun 2021, 11:55
We moved to Portugal a two years ago from the UK , we live in the small village and it was shocking to see that how most of Portuguese people keeping their animals. The dogs are chained and the amount of dogs in their propertys could be three could be ten, the dogs could barked for hours and nobody cares even if the owner at home also no respect for people who has no dogs. We are looking after one of the dog from our village (feeding, taking for a walk and even paid to the vets €150.00 when the dog had an accident last year. Good luck to PAN to put things wright.
By Iryna ward from Other on 25 Jun 2021, 12:22
We had the GNR visit to 'advise' us about our 3 Labs (chipped and Junta registered) should be on a lead at all times in public environments....which they are! Someone had complained...and yet our village has numerous dogs roaming freely out from peoples homes and following / chasing us without so much as a collar...On one occasion a 50kilo Alsatian chased me on my cycle, barking and chomping at my heal. I was lucky to out-pace it...Nothing said or done when I 'mentioned' this!.....Is that cuz I is white?
By Mac from Other on 25 Jun 2021, 14:14
Very sad also that dogs all alone are locked into warehouses, barns or garages all their life as guard dogs. They do not see any other living soul except for people feeding them. It is cruel - and a disrespect to other people heaving to live with the barking day and night of this poor soul. Really horrible treatment by people!
By Heidi Renken from Lisbon on 25 Jun 2021, 14:23
I agree however the government should also pass a law that if you own a Dog you should train or prevent your Dog from barking excessively the owners of these dogs just don't seem to give a damn and it sometimes goes on for hours in the middle of the night .
By Jose from Algarve on 25 Jun 2021, 15:52
It's all about education! Portugal needs a Bob Barker who, after his daily TV show says, "don't forget to spay and neuter your pets."
By William from Other on 25 Jun 2021, 16:26
I'm very sad that PAN is only talking about pets. What about all the "working dogs"? My neighbour keeps a dog on a chain around a tree (his shelter!) attached to a wire so he at least gets exercise but she only visits every 2 or 3 days to feed him and the chickens he is protecting. He barks most of the night but she doesn't care about us losing sleep as it's what he's there for. I offered to walk him when she got him as a puppy but she refused as it would spoil him.
By Sally from Alentejo on 26 Jun 2021, 09:52
What took you so long!?...
By Helder from Lisbon on 28 Jun 2021, 14:22
I came to terceria acores almost every year..our neighbor is so cruel to his dog he has the dog on a short chain he never lets him off his chain..the laws here in terceria is that the dog has to exercise and he never lets him off his chain and henever feeds and also there is not always water ..the dog cries..day and night...he has the dog in a back area ..when he does feed him its green molded bread..I feel so sick ...please he does not deserve this...the dog needs proper care..please someone help..the dog is suffering
By Anna from Açores on 12 Sep 2021, 22:48
Will this law actually be enforced here in Portugal? I see so much neglect it is simply overwhelming...
By Lee Holmes from Algarve on 29 Sep 2021, 20:54
The government of Portugal should be ashamed of themselves for letting this situation get to this. We’re in 2021 and there’s a plague of Portuguese that have an defunct moral compass. I live in Madeira (I’m also a U.K. veterinary nurse) and I am disgusted at the selfishness and cruelty of many locals here. I want to see prosecutions. The noise at night is relentless. I have now taken to ringing houses doorbells in the nights that have barking dogs, if I’m awake because of it so can they be. Portugal, up your game, educate yourselves and stop being so cruel and selfish.
By Rachael from Madeira on 03 Oct 2021, 23:34