Launched on 30 June, after a pre-registration phase, the campaign surpassed Meatless Farm’s initial goal, ranking among the six percent of the largest withdrawals ever conducted through the Crowdcube platform.
The target was reached within the first six hours after the campaign was launched and, so far, more than 3,300 investors – mostly private – have already joined this fundraising, which has led to the extension of the campaign to respond to the high participation. With this initiative, Meatless Farm aims to give consumers the opportunity to “grab a slice” of the growing vegetable-based food market.
“It’s amazing to see how so many consumers value the importance and opportunity of plant-based foods and are joining us, too, as investors,” says Morten Toft Bech, founder of Meatless Farm. The founder adds, “This funding will help drive Meatless Farm forward, promoting progress toward a truly sustainable global food system, good for the planet and good for people.”
This is the first financing campaign open to consumers launched by Meatless Farm, after raising €44 million in three years of existence, from private investors and the family office. To participate in the current campaign, interested parties can purchase a stake in the company starting at €11.60, in the form of a convertible note, which will be converted into shares, at a discounted price, during the next round of corporate equity financing, planned for late 2021 or early next year.
A meatless farm. OK, so I went to the website and found out what they make. More fake meat products. Lots of soy and rapeseed.........very bad for the body. Also how do you grow good nutrient dense food without animal manure? Or do they use animal manure? Probably not, I wonder what they use to feed their soil?
By Lucy from Beiras on 30 Jul 2021, 07:32
Lucy from Beiras, clearly have not done any research before making her comment. Meatless / Vegan farms do not use animal manure. A simple Google search would have illustrated this information. Compost is used, and usually mature compost which is 3, or more years old. People who have no concern for the environment or animal welfare will continue to spread false information despite the scientifically proven benefits of switching to a diet which contains less or no meat.
By Martyn Williams from Beiras on 30 Jul 2021, 09:37
Lucy, I can only agree with Martyn; you should do a bit more research before you post non-factual comments. Since when is soy bad for the body? The Japanese and Chinese have been eating it for millennia, and it doesn't seem to have done them any harm. And rapeseed oil has the lowest saturated fat content of all oils, is full of essential fatty acids and is rich in vitamin E - what's the problem with that? And of course you can grow healthy plants without animal manure - how to you think the planet survived before humans began exploiting animals for agriculture? If you don't agree with veganism, at least post some fact-based and sensible arguments.
By ctaniab from Beiras on 31 Jul 2021, 10:10
Please can you tell me how I can buy shares into this? Well done guys your amazing!!!
By Claire Simpson from Algarve on 03 Aug 2021, 11:43