These new measures were announced, at the end of the extraordinary Council of Ministers meeting on 20 August, by the minister of State and the Presidency, Mariana Vieira da Silva, acting as a Prime Minister, as she is replacing the Prime Minister, António Costa, during his holidays.

According to the minister, these measures, that will take effect on 23 August, are part of the new phase of the ease of lockdown - a step taken due to the announcement that 70 percent of the population in Portugal is now fully vaccinated.

Restaurants, cafes and bakeries

Restaurants, cafes and bakeries are now limited to eight people per group inside and 15 people per group on terraces.

Currently, with regard to the number of people per table in restaurants, cafes and bakeries, the rule is six people per table inside and 10 people per table on the terraces. The new measure takes effect from 23 August.

Events, Baptisms and Weddings

According to the minister, in this second phase of the ease of lockdown restrictions, cultural shows will have 75 percent capacity (compared to the current 66 percent capacity), as well as events such as weddings and baptisms. The new measure takes effect as of 23 August.

Public Services

Public services, such as citizen stores, will operate without prior appointment as of 1 September.

Mariana Vieira da Silva stated that "public services, in the case of citizen stores where they only functioned after prior appointment, as of 1 September, and under the terms already announced this week, will work without prior appointment".

Public Transports

Public transport will no longer have capacity limit as of Monday, 23 August.

"Public transport is no longer limited in its capacity and it is now allowed to use the front seats in taxi transport and in the individual transport of passengers in uncharacterised vehicles from an electronic platform", reads the statement of the Council of Ministers.

Public transport is thus no longer subject to the limitations it had been subject to since 10 June, that is, a two-thirds capacity and, in the case of taxis and TVDE, a ban on the use of front seats.

Maximum store capacity

The maximum capacity of stores will increase from the current five people per 100 square metres to eight people.

"With regard to the capacity of commercial establishments, which used to be five people per 100 square metres, it changes to eight people per 100 square metres," said Mariana Vieira da Silva.

Wearing of Masks in Public Roads

Regarding the mandatory use of masks on public roads, the minister reiterated that the competence to deliberate on such an important matter belongs to the Assembly of the Republic, so there is currently no change in this regard.