Bag: Crypto slang for a large quantity of a specific cryptocurrency. Alternatively used to refer to the contents of an individual's crypto portfolio.

Bag Holder: A bagholder is a person who at the end of the day, maybe from a pump and dump, was left ‘holding the bag,’ which means they wanted to sell at a higher price, but the market moved too fast.

Bakers: Baking is the process that Tezos uses in order to append new blocks of transactions to its blockchain.

Bank for International Settlements (BIS): The BIS is an international financial institution that promotes global monetary stability.

Banking Secrecy Act (BSA): The Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) was implemented in the United States in 1970 to prevent criminals from concealing or laundering their illegal gains.

Basic Attention Token: The Basic Attention Token (BAT) is a blockchain-based system for tracking media consumers' time and attention on websites using the Brave web browser.

Beacon Chain: A blockchain that coordinates shard chains, manages staking and the registry of validators in a PoS cryptocurrency, such as Ethereum 2.0.

Bear: Someone who believes that prices in a given market will decline over an extended period. Such a person might be referred to as “bearish.”

Bearish: Characterized by or associated with falling crypto prices.

BEP-20: BEP-20 is a Binance Smart Chain token standard created with the intention of extending ERC-20.

BIP: (Bitcoin Improvement Proposal): A significant proposal to change Bitcoin at the protocol level. BIPs are reviewed by Bitcoin’s developer community as a next step in determining whether they will be integrated into the codebase. Relatively small improvements like bug fixes are not submitted as BIPs, but more directly as proposed changes to Bitcoin’s code.

Bitcoin: When the B is capitalized, it represents the technology, the protocol, and the software.

bitcoin: When the b is lower case, it is describing the unit of currency.

Bitcoiner: A person who is bullish on Bitcoin.

Bitcoin dust: Bitcoin dust is a very small amounts of bitcoin leftover (or unspent) in a transaction that is lower in value then the fee to transfer it to another bitcoin address.

Bitcoin dust attack: A bitcoin dust attack (or dusting) is when someone sends you a very small amount of bitcoin (e.g. 0.00000546 bitcoin or less) to try to unmask your identity.

Bitcoin Improvement Proposal (BIP): The standard format for documents proposing changes to Bitcoin.

Bitcoin Maximalists: Bitcoin maximalists believe that Bitcoin, which is the world's most popular cryptocurrency, is the only digital asset that will be needed in the future. Maximalists believe that all other digital currencies are inferior to Bitcoin.

Bitcointalk: Bitcointalk is the most popular online forum dedicated to Bitcoin, cryptocurrency and blockchain technology.

BitPay: BitPay is a Bitcoin payment service provider.

Block: A collection of Bitcoin transactions that have occurred during a period of time (typically about 10 minutes). If the blockchain is thought of as a ledger book, a block is like one page from the book.

Block Explorer: An application enabling a user to view details of blocks on a given blockchain. Also known as a blockchain browser.

Block Header: The metadata included in a Bitcoin block that serves as a summary of that block, including its height, hash, timestamp, Merkle root, difficulty and nonce, as well a the previous block’s hash.

Block Height: Every blockchain is made up of a series of blocks, organized sequentially. Each block stores information about transactions that were conducted on the blockchain during a given time period. Blocks are added to the end of the blockchain at given intervals. The block height, therefore, is a measure of the number of blocks that have been created on the blockchain prior to the block in question.

Block Reward: A block reward refers to the number of bitcoins you get if you successfully mine a block of the currency. The amount of the reward halves after the creation of every 210,000 blocks, or roughly every four years. The block reward started at 50 bitcoin.

Block Time: Block time refers to the approximate time it takes for a blockchain-based system to produce a new block. (For bitcoin this is about 10 minutes)

Blockchain: The authoritative record of every Bitcoin transaction that has ever occurred. This is the name of the distributed database.

Blockchain Trilemma: The blockchain trilemma is the set of three issues that plague blockchains: decentralization, security and scalability.

Bots: Automated software that can carry out tasks such as cryptocurrency trades.

Brian Armstrong: Brian Armstrong is the founder of Coinbase, one of the largest cryptocurrency exchanges in the United States.

BringBackMyCrypto: A leading Crypto currency password recovery company.

BTFD: An acronym for “Buy The F**king Dip”

Bubble: When an asset is traded at a price exceeding that asset's intrinsic value.

Bullish: Characterized by or associated with rising crypto prices.

Burn/Burned: Cryptocurrency tokens or coins are considered “burned” when they have been purposely and permanently removed from circulation.

BTC: An abbreviation for the bitcoin currency.

Byzantine Fault Tolerance (BFT): Byzantine Fault Tolerance (BFT) is the property of a computer system that allows it to reach consensus regardless of the failure of some of its components.

Byzantine Generals’ Problem: A situation where communication that requires consensus on a single strategy from all members within a group or party cannot be trusted or verified.