The government will be assessing plans for a four-day work week, in both the public and the private sectors across Portugal, but has guaranteed that this will not be harmful to workers.
“At first, we will define the parameters and requirements in which the trial projects will be developed, then it will be on a voluntary basis by companies based on criteria that will ensure that the trials are able to draw well-rounded conclusions and analysis”, explained Minister of Labour and Social Security, Ana Mendes Godinho, during a press conference that followed the Council of Ministers in which the 70 amendments to labour legislation were approved.
The minister further stressed that the plan’s objective is to ensure there is no lack of protection for workers and that the proposal will not jeopardise anything that’s already in place.
In addition, the minister added that since the plans for the four-day week were first introduced, “several companies” have expressed interest in taking part in the scheme.
Lets see... work less, produce less, get paid the same as before the 4 day work week. Sounds like a recipe for economic failure.
By Tony B from USA on 06 Jun 2022, 15:20
Utter poppycock! If you believe this, you'll believe anything! If people work fewer hours, as a move from 5 to 4 days a week implies, they MUST earn less as a result, otherwise someone like the government would have to step in to breach the shortfall via some sort of subsidy, which in itself entails higher taxes, as govt has no money and has to finance spending through taxation or borrowing. So effectively this amounts to forcing workers to pay more tax to impose a shorter work week on them. It makes no sense at all.
By Billy Bissett from Porto on 06 Jun 2022, 15:43
A 2018 experiment fire two months in New Zealand found that a 4-day, 32-hour work week could be quite successful for all concerned...
By Joe Lotion from USA on 06 Jun 2022, 23:13
I think this is great to only work 4 days a week for the same pay, it certainly will help with the ' work life family balance' ideal. This new work structure should happen all over the world too.
By Lisa from Other on 08 Jun 2022, 19:40
Only is Portugal ! Oh a Government can make this happen can it ……well imagine that the whole economy has the productivity that the Portuguese Civil Service has !!!!! Wow Portugal will import even more than it does today and since it’s in a Monetary Union it can’t adjust currency. Greece comes to mind and Germany won’t allow that so Mr Costa you need an economics lesson fast !
By Chris Loynes from Algarve on 08 Jun 2022, 20:20