The reduction of the isolation period is part of the update of the DGS standard on the approach to people with suspected or confirmed Covid-19 and had been previously announced by the Minister of the Presidency on June 30.

According to the health authority, this update represents an evolution “in the sense of a response model that is more focused on the prevention and treatment of serious disease and on citizen accountability for compliance with measures to prevent Covid-19, having taking into account the high vaccination coverage of the population and the stabilisation of the epidemiological situation” in the country.

Based on this strategy, the minimum isolation time is reduced from seven to five days in the case of people who are asymptomatic or have mild illness, provided that the person, when sick, no longer has a fever and is in the process of recovery.

“Although infectiousness decreases after the fifth day, the virus can still be transmitted, so it is strongly recommended to wear a mask on all occasions for another five days after isolation”, warns the DGS.