there is a crash and you are not injured, the first step is to leave the car,
place the warning triangle about 30 metres behind the car, in order to signal
the accident, and wear a safety jacket.
After that, if there are injuries from the accident, you should call 112 and provide all the requested information to the person on the other line. "The police should only attend an accident if there are serious injuries. However, people often call because they have doubts about the drivers' accountability," said Ana Plácido, legal advisor at DECO.
the accident is minor and you trust the other person (for example, a
neighbour), it may be possible to reach an oral agreement without having to let
the insurance company know, "because it may lead to an increase in the
insurance policy, which may not be pleasant," she added.
you have ever had an accident in Portugal, you may have heard of
"declaração amigável". This is a Portuguese term to say something
like a “friendly agreement”, where both drivers will agree on who caused the
accident and send it to the insurer.
amigável” is a document that allows drivers to describe in detail how the
accident occurred and what damage was caused. They will identify the vehicles,
the drivers and draw the accident in detail. It is highly recommended to always
carry one in your car (if you don't have one, ask your insurance company).
However, if you don't have one, it can also be filled out online at https://www.e-segurnet.pt/
if I fill in something wrong?
make mistakes, but this is nothing to worry about because the "declaração
amigável" will be checked by insurers, who will notice if there are
inconsistencies between what has been written and the drawing.
addition, they may request more data, such as photographs of the site, the
position of the cars and the damage," said
Márcio Ribeiro, co-owner of the Lagoa Sol agency of DS Seguros.
When nobody takes the blame?
situation occurs when the person caused the accident but does not take the
blame. "In these situations, it is normal to call the police who will take
action. The driver not at fault for the accident will be covered by the other
driver's insurance company," explained Márcio Ribeiro.
to keep the car exactly where it is and only take it off the road if an
agreement is reached between both drivers.
are situations, however, in which even the driver's accountability can be
excluded, this happens, for example, when an animal crosses the road. In these
cases, the accountability normally lies with the owner of the animal, but if
the animal is unidentified, the situation will be more complicated.
if an animal is found on the motorway and causes an accident, the accountability
always lies with the motorway authority. "Many people don't know, but if
any animal causes an accident on the motorway, the motorway authority needs to
repair the damage. In a case like this, people should call 112," said
national roads, supposedly any accident caused by, for example, holes or storm
drains and so on, it is the council that has to repair the car (once again the
police have to be called). However, we know how it works, it takes a long time
before they say they are at fault," he said. That's why they advise
everyone to be covered by their own damage insurance.
difference is: "If a person has their own car damage insurance, the
insurer repairs the vehicle straight away, then the increase in their insurance
policy will depend on the customer's responsibility. If the
accountability/fault is attributed to the driver, they will suffer an increase
in the policy. However, if it is not their fault, they will not suffer this
if the insurance does not pay?
is a bit extreme, but there are situations in which the insurer refuses to pay.
It happens when the driver was drunk, for example. However, if there is another
case that you think is not fair, you can always fill out a claim, which can be
done in the insurance company's physical or online complaints’ book or by
registered letter.
this is not enough to sort out your problem, you can always count on the
support of DECO and they can provide legal advice.
consumers can take insurers to court and when the total amount of damages is
less than €5,000, they can take them to the CASA (Centro de Arbitragem do
Sector Automóvel), which is cheaper and quicker than a normal court.
Paula Martins is a fully qualified journalist, who finds writing a means of self-expression. She studied Journalism and Communication at University of Coimbra and recently Law in the Algarve. Press card: 8252

Some good info here. But to be honest if you know the accident was not your fault I would get the police to attend . If it was your fault try to blame the other driver because that is what they would do if they were in your position. lol Also best insurance policy is drive some old banger that all drivers would stay clear of lol Boa sorte.
By mooseman from Algarve on 16 Jul 2022, 17:27
With the animal thing who is responsibje for the damage if say a javali or deer decides to lock horns with my car... is the local council responsible for footing the bill ,,,,
By mooseman from Algarve on 16 Jul 2022, 19:33
How are we supposed to keep the cars in the middle of the road, it surely is a massive danger to oncoming cars?
In my 3 (minor) accidents (in 24 years) in the UK, I just took photos, and exchanged details with the other driver (at fault as they hit me from behind!). No-one wore silly yellow jacket, put triangles, or called anyone. It was done in 10 mins.
Everything is unnecessarily complicated here!
By Michael Blesh from Algarve on 18 Jul 2022, 10:15