Have you left Christmas presents late? Over 20 stalls of lovely items & fundraiser for Algoz Church on the Hill & Weekend Party.

Our Association Associação Guarda-chuva has been fortunate enough to receive a very generous donation and as part of the association, “Support for Families” decided, in conjunction with the Church and the Scouting Association, to provide a fun, party weekend for the families in Algoz who are experiencing such difficult times at the moment.

Along with the Craft Fayre, the Scouts will be organising a weekend of games for children and adults. There will be songs, live music and also a choir recital in the Church on Sunday afternoon. The scouts, who will be lighting a bonfire late on Saturday evening, are cooking their own evening meal and also intend to sleep out overnight in their tents!

Support for Families are providing barbecue food for the families to enjoy on Sunday and our Santa (the wonderful Sean Greene) along with his 2 elf helpers, will be giving out Christmas presents to the children. Food and presents will be supplied by Support for Families. There will be a tombola, cake stalls, and other opportunities to donate funds that will help to go towards the renovation of the beautiful little Church on the hill in Algoz, Ermida de Nossa Senhora do Pilar, which was classified as a historic building of public interest in 1993 but has sadly fallen into disrepair.

For more information, please contact Su Davis on + 351 932 307 548.