The party justifies the presentation of the legislative
initiative by warning of the impacts caused by fireworks and other pyrotechnic
articles normally used in events and festivities.
According to PAN/Azores, these articles "exceed the
decibel limit established by the World Health Organization as the pain
threshold for sound, reaching more than 150 decibels".
"The party presents this initiative seeking to minimise
the negative effects caused by the use of pyrotechnic products, in terms of
noise and environmental pollution, and also to reduce the risk and prevalence
of accidents caused by their emission", underlines the party.
The party also warns that these pyrotechnic articles
"are often used at night" and constitute "a source of noise that
collides with the right to rest and peace".
They also highlight that they can also provoke
"reactions in animals", which generally have "a higher hearing
sensitivity than humans".
"The intensity of the sound effect caused by launching
rockets and any other form of fireworks has a particularly harmful impact on
people who suffer from auditory hypersensitivity, such as the elderly and
children with Sensory Processing Disorder and autism spectrum disorders ",
reads the same note.
PAN/Azores deputy Pedro Neves, warns that "recently, in
an ethnographic parade" on the island of São Miguel, "three people
were injured when an ox, used in the celebration of these festivities, was
startled by the release of pyrotechnic materials".
“As alternatives already exist, the use of pyrotechnic products that produce unnecessary noise is not justified. We have to start the transition to silent or reduced sound environments to ensure greater well-being and safety for all", he argues.
People with war Post Stress Syndrome also tend to feel triggered by the sounds of pyrotechnic products.
By guida from Lisbon on 26 Dec 2022, 03:54
well that’s ableist! How can the sight impaired enjoy a shared experience with family and friends?
By Ian from Beiras on 26 Dec 2022, 07:08
The article does mention "low noise" fireworks; we have them here on Miami Beach and you can hear them just fine. The problems that loud noises, especially above the 150 decible level to animals and people is one of those "compromise" situations because the detriment overall affects the masses sadly more than the few and it is important to be considerate of post stress and animals as well.
By Wes from USA on 27 Dec 2022, 07:12
Fireworks are ruining our life here in Remedios, Sao Miguel. Our dog is terrified and my poor husband has a heart condition and when the neighbor sets these rockets off on a regular basis and into the late night hours. It startles my husband and he almost fell down the stairs as the noise scared him at the wrong moment! Fireworks are dangerous especially to the elderly it could give someone a heart attack as they are so extremely loud! Please do something immediately before someone is killed or seriously injured!
By Sonja Miguel from Açores on 16 Apr 2023, 21:38