We know the restaurant from previous visits, it is a delightful place to enjoy a meal, the food appears to get better and better with each visit! Due to the popularity with members we filled 33 of the 34 available spaces in the conservatory.
Thanks to the efforts of one of the committee (thank you Glenda!) we were able to appropriately decorate the conservatory for our lunch with beautifully made Valentine decorations. During the excellent meal we held a Valentines' themed quiz, everyone getting a sheet of questions on arrival, these being self-marked just before coffee. Congratulations go to Avril and Kareen who were awarded the 1st and 2nd prizes respectively after a one-question tie-breaker. The quiz prizes were generously donated by one of our members who was unable to attend the lunch.
In addition to the excellent meal, for which our thanks go to Sr. Fernando and his superb staff, and the entertainment of the quiz, we were also pleased to be able to welcome four new members to CASA. All in all a very successful lunch in every way.
Our March event will be our 'Annual General Meeting & Dinner' to be held in Silves at the well-respected 'Recanto dos Mouros'. The A.G.M. gives members the chance to both hear reports from the committee and to elect new members to the committee as needed. Details of all our events, and club membership, are on our web-site www.casasocial.club