A report from our Chairperson regarding the last year's activities, and some challenges we have faced, was followed by a brief financial report from the Treasurer and Honorary Auditor. During the 2022 AGM, new committee members were selected due to several existing members standing down for personal reasons. This year all but one of the committee indicated they would continue in position. We are pleased to say that we did elect a new Membership Secretary, though we continue to be in need of an additional person on the committee to assist with some of the booking procedures as well as helping to choose venues for the activities.

The outline of a coach trip for late October was presented, which would include for the first time visiting four cities in both Portugal and Spain, in the central Iberia region. Further details will be issued in our next club Newsletter - and on our website. We hope there will be sufficient interest for this trip to go ahead.

With the official part of the evening completed we were able to relax and enjoy an excellent meal served by the restaurant staff. The food was delicious, and much enjoyed by all, this being our fourth visit to Recanto dos Mouros.

As a final note from this meeting, some members have felt that our full name 'Carvoeiro Association for Social Activities' has, over four and a half decades, become somewhat inaccurate, as our membership now covers almost the whole of the Western Algarve. In light of this, we earlier asked members to suggest new names retaining the short acronym 'CASA'. A vote was taken, and a new name was selected from a shortlist of nine which had been suggested:- 'Club for Algarvian Social Activities' is our new long name!

Our next event will be a wine-tasting on the 21st April, details of all our events, and club membership, are on our website www.casasocial.club.