Property owners are able to pay Municipal Property Tax (IMI) this month, and have until the end of May to make the payment however, they are being warned not to wait for a physical or digital reminder.
According to Expresso, there are records of delays in sending IMI collection notes, which are being overcome. The Tax and Customs Authority (AT) has not confirmed the existence of delays.
According to the Tax Authorities, “taxable persons who wish to make the payment before receiving the collection note can obtain, through the Finance Portal, through authentication, the payment reference”.
To make the payment just follow the following steps:
A minha área > Posição integrada > IMI > Documentos de cobrança > then select nota de cobrança.
It should be noted that taxpayers, even if they have not received the IMI assessment notification in their physical mailbox or online, must respect the payment limit, in order to avoid fines for delays. That is, the fact that they do not receive the notification does not serve as a justification for missing the payment deadline, writes the publication.
Where can IMI be paid?
- In the collection sections of the Finance Services;
- At CTT counters;
- At the branches of credit institutions with a protocol signed with the AT for this purpose;
- In the Multibanco ATM network;
- By home banking;
- Through direct debit or APP "Tax Situation - Payments".
The AT site is not registering a notification for IMI. I have set up a direct debit in AT, so am I covered?
By Ian from Beiras on 11 May 2023, 07:22
Could you show how we can set up a Direct Debit from our Portuguese bank to pay our Property Tax please
By Charlie King from Algarve on 11 May 2023, 10:09
We’ve signed in to the finanças portal and followed the steps, but there is no IMI area shown at all. What to do?
By Marilyn Snook from Algarve on 11 May 2023, 11:12
Charlie King to set up automatic debit, go to your portuguese bank and ask for routing bank information from your account for Financas and they will print one page with the information you need. Take that page to Financas and set up direct debit for IMI, this will also set auto payment for your cars annual SELO .
By JOHN M RIBEIRO from USA on 12 May 2023, 10:13
After you log into the AT's website, you will see an alert, click on the alert and you should see something for "IMI". Clicking on the link there should take you to the page where you can pay with MBWay. I don't have MBWay since I'm in the US and don't have a Portuguese cell number. But I was able to use the reference number to pay from my CGD bank app (there is an option to "pay the State" in my app. I did not want to wait and see if they would auto-debit on the very last day lol. Paying this way was very easy.
By NPN from USA on 12 May 2023, 15:52
Very helpful article. Thank you. If you pay at Finances, you can only do so on Tuesdays and Thursdays. If you pay over the counter at CTT they only accept cash for this service.
By Jennifer Adams from Porto on 15 May 2023, 15:52