In pursuit of training not only excellent professionals, but also upstanding citizens, education at the International School of Torres Vedras is marked by learning, experience, encouragement of proactivity and the development of a critical spirit. We believe that encouraging discovery and a taste for learning are critical factors for young people's growth and that these are inherent characteristics of tomorrow's leaders.

This modus operandi is reflected in teaching activities such as oral presentations and group work from the 1st year, the introduction to different languages from pre-school, but also through the range of extracurricular activities such as group sports or arts, which are responsible for awakening team spirit, creativity and responsibility.

3 Educational Paths

Students at the International School of Torres Vedras can choose the educational path they want to follow, having at their disposal:

- Cambridge Curriculum: divided into Cambridge Primary (5 to 11-year-olds) and Cambridge Lower Secondary (11 to 14-year-olds), it's a framework for literacy and numeracy, combined with our unique arts, crafts, physical education, and other vocational projects, which will be guided by highly qualified and inspiring teachers; resulting in our students to thrive in their academic and social lives.

- National Curriculum: training offered from pre-school to secondary education based on four strategic pillars: ethics, innovation, technologies and values. The fundamental objective is to exploit the students' capacity and potential to the fullest, through academic and leisure activities.

- Dual Diploma USA: offers the possibility of obtaining two diplomas simultaneously: the secondary one from the country of origin, in person, and the American High School Diploma, online. Students from the 8th to 12th grades, who adhere to the protocol, by complying with the national program and obtaining the 6 credits of the American program, will be double certified with the National Diploma and the American High School Diploma, recognized in all States and in all universities in the world.

Cambridge ESOL & DELF school

All ISTV students are prepared to meet national goals and be able to have a double certification. In this sense, the English language exams are carried out by the University of Cambridge and are held annually, in June. The First Certificate in English, on the other hand, represents an upper-intermediate level of practical English, being widely recognized throughout the world, namely in the sectors of tourism, commerce and industry.

Moving on to the French language, students are assessed by — DELF (Diplome d'études en langue française). This corresponds to one of the first four levels of the European Framework and assesses communication skills - written and oral comprehension and production.

DELE - Spanish Diploma

The International School of Torres Vedras offers its students the possibility of officially certifying their knowledge of the Spanish language. DELE Spanish diplomas are official certificates awarded by the Instituto Cervantes, on behalf of the Spanish Ministry of Education and Professional Training.

Discovery Clubs

The International School of Torres Vedras has an extensive program of supplementary activities, where students can explore and enhance their passions, from a Football Academy, and a Padel court, as well as dance and drama, without forgetting technology ( DigitalTech).

Academy of Music

So that young people who are passionate about the musical arts have the opportunity to develop their talents and ambitions. This optional Academy uses methods similar to those of musical institutions recognized for their quality and offers learning plans adapted to the age group and objectives of each student.

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