The highest values of average income per occupied room were registered in the Metropolitan Area of Lisbon, Alentejo and the North.

During April, the average income per occupied room increased by 30% compared to 2019. The average income per occupied room reached 105.4 euros in April, +14.7% compared to the same month of 2022 (+17.2% in March) and +29.6% compared to April 2019, corresponding to the highest increase compared to the pre-pandemic period.

The highest values of average income per occupied room were registered in Área Metropolitana de Lisboa (137 euros), in Alentejo (102 euros) and in the North (100 euros). The most expressive increases occurred in the Autonomous Region of Madeira (+21.3%), in the Autonomous Region of the Azores (+18.3%) and in the Metropolitan Area of Lisbon (+17.8%).

According to the statistics office, these indicators referring to the month of April corresponded to 497.1 million euros in total income and 373.6 million euros in income from accommodation, which represents year-on-year growth of 28.6% and 29.4%, respectively.

Where are the most tourists?

Of the total overnight stays in April, 73.8% were concentrated in the 23 main municipalities and 30.7% occurred in the municipalities of Lisbon and Albufeira. The municipality of Lisbon concentrated 19.9% of the total overnight stays in April 2023 (9.0% of the total overnight stays spent by residents and 24.5% of the total overnight stays spent by non-residents), reaching 1.4 million overnight stays. Compared to April 2019, overnight stays increased by 10.7% (+5.6% in residents and +11.6% in non-residents).

In April, the effect of Easter was felt significantly in overnight stays by tourists in Albufeira, which rose to the second position among the municipalities with the highest representation in total overnight stays this month (weight of 10.9%; 743.3 thousand overnight stays), despite continuing to register a reduction in overnight stays compared to 2019, although less expressive (-5.2% in total, -11.2% in residents and -3.7% in non-residents).