This is the third edition of the APAV/Intercampus Barometer, after 2012 and 2017, whose results, which are being presented today at the APAV headquarters in Lisbon.

Generally, the Portuguese feel safe in the area where they live, with 87% of respondents saying that they do not consider the area where they live to be dangerous or unsafe, against 11% who think the opposite.

However, this 11% represents an increase of one percentage point compared to the previous survey, in 2017.

There has also been an increase among those who fear being assaulted, with almost a quarter of respondents (24%) expressing this concern, against 22% in 2017. Among these people (141), almost half (47%) expressed this concern in relation to areas other than where they live or work and 62% said they were more afraid at night.

The Barometer also sought to find out if any of the respondents had been assaulted or victim of a crime in the previous 12 months, a question to which 94% answered negatively, but in which the 6% who answered yes represent an increase of three percentage points compared to 2017.