“On July 1st, 8th, 15th and 22nd, the Proença-a-Nova Archaeological Site is open to the “Being an archaeologist for a day” activity, in which anyone can take part in the digging, accompanying researchers on the field for a day,” a statement shared by Proença-a-Nova’s council said.

CAPN is a mixed model field of work, investigation and learning, which begun in 2012 as Proença-a-Nova Archaeological Site, acquiring international recognition in 2013.

The “Being an archaeologist for a day” initiative runs on Saturdays between 7:30am and 1pm and is limited to six participants a day. Anyone interested can participate through a free sign-up at the Posto de Turismo until the Friday before the day of the activity.

From July 10th to 23rd, investigations are progressing in Anta da Moita da Galinha, near Moitas.

Other than the archaeological sites, CAPN also offers activities like conferences, debates and field trips.

“The intent of these sites is to study, preserve and share archaeological fields in Proença-a-Nova, allowing people to learn about the heritage that’s still unknown to many and that counts on support from several entities,” the local government stated.

The CAPN, which enters its 12th edition this year, is the result of a partnership between the High Tagus Study Association and the Proença-a-Nova municipality.