A felonious feline had been reported roaming their ramparts. They managed with some assistance to capture the errant feline and calm restored. Zélia is no stranger to the Silves prison, as the inmates have been making cat shelters for APAA’s cat colony programme for some time now.

Not to be caught cat-napping, another urgent call a couple of months ago, an APAA member’s mother, had to be taken into care. Her cat ‘Lucky’ would be stranded. Help! Coincidentally, APAA, Association for Protection of Animals Algarve, have recently joined with ARA just outside of Loulé. Their shelter ‘Cabanita’ has beautiful purpose-designed shelters. Animal Rescue Algarve’s Sid Richardson had an amazing idea called ‘Legacy for Pets’.

The idea has grown into fact. Jenny and Anita both worried about leaving their pets to the wicked hands of fate, signed up to the ‘Legacy’ plan, sponsoring the most important idea that an appointed ‘Guardian’ would take over all the problems with your pet(s) and transported to ARA’s shelter and eventually rehomed when possible. ‘Lucky’ has since been renamed ‘Monkey’ as there are several other “lucky animals”. When feline friend is re-homed, hopefully soon, as he has been rehabilitated and ready for a new owner. João, General Manager of ARA, and APAA’s Jenny will, on the 9th July, be discussing ‘Legacy’ with Owen Gee at Radio Kiss’s studios.

“Apart from re-homing animals‘ Legacy for Pets’ has to be one of the most important ideas on the Algarve.” Having re-homed some 1200 animals since their inauguration 2018, ARA’s founder, Sid Richardson, came up with ‘Legacy’ as an idea. He is thrilled that APAA’s sponsorship has finally brought fruition and the idea has become very popular. The two associations, have much in common, re-homing, spaying and neutering feral cats. Forming colonies for them to be fed in comfort and kept an eye on. “It costs money.” Jenny is frightened of repeating herself. “It’s true, it costs more than people realise.”

Credits: Supplied Image; Author: Client;

So, it is rewarding that APAA’s Zélia Santos, who runs all APAA’s cat colonies accompanied Jenny at Portimão’s Câmara Municipal ceremony to receive a generous donation, along with two other associations. Wow! Meanwhile, both ARA and APAA, need all the help they can get within their communities with financial assistance and volunteers. They both have shops and campaigns which you can help with. After all, APAA’s motto ‘Here to Help’ and ARA’s “We never give up!” João smiles. It is true, he has several rescue amputee animals himself. Please help where you can!

Check out Facebook, info.animalrescuealgarve.com, legacy.animalrescuealgarve.com, info.apaaportugal@gmail.com, zelia.santos@live.co.uk.