Pedro Ribeiro (PS) confirmed that the project is in works, with the expectation of it being launched to public contest in the beginning of 2024 in an investment the municipality will try to apply for the Resilience and Recovery Plan (PRR).

In case that isn’t possible, the municipality will advance with the works anyway, as it has the goal of answering the demand for every child in the council, following the example of what already happens with kindergartens and education up to 12th grade.

“Our goal is to meet 100% of the nursery’s demand. There’s no reason why not to. It’s fundamental that we support our families and our economy, and obviously our children’s wellbeing,” the mayor declared.

According to Pedro Ribeiro, the almost hundred spots created in this nursery won’t be enough to reach the goal, but the Social Solidarity Particular Institutions (IPSS) “have come to make an effort in adapting so that 100% offer can be a reality.”

The future nursery will be nestled in a building next to the theatre with a “very pretty” façade which will be preserved. It’ll accommodate three baby rooms with a capacity of 30 children, two rooms for 1-year-olds that also fit 30 children, and two rooms for two-year-olds that’ll fit 36 children.

Ameirim Council inaugurated a nursery for 60 children of up to 3 years of age this year in the old GNR building, which then served as a Court in an adaptation budgeted to around half a million euros.

Pedro Ribeiro has been one of the mayors of the “very few” municipalities that have nurseries in this country that have been fighting for the Social Security Bases Law to allow deals with local governments, putting an end to the situation that forces the council to assume full responsibility for the functioning of the nurseries, the contrary of what happens with the IPSS.

“The argument [next to the minister of Labour and Social Security] has been made. I believe the situation will be resolved next year,” Ribeiro stated, sharing his “hope” that the next State Budget “will solve this injustice.”

Recognising that, compared to other municipalities, Almeirim has “a great offering,” Pedro Ribeiro confirmed that “the big task” is to not leave any family without an answer.