Youth camps broaden their experience by learning about a region’s people, food, language, customs and history. They also help to build enduring friendships and establish a foundation for peace and service. There are many different camps. The focus can be on sports, arts or culture, music, tourism, hiking, cycling, sailing, canoeing, tennis, horseback riding, hang gliding, etc., usually with a mix of activity and culture.

The Rotary Club of Estoi (RCEPI) sent 14 students to camps in Belgium, Czechia, Denmark, Egypt, Finland, Italy and Switzerland. 12 girls and 2 boys ranging in ages from 15 to 21 spent up to a week in the camps.

Margarida, who lives in Estoi and has been helped for many years by RCEPI, went with her friend Sara to a camp in Czechia. She said of her experience “Myself and my friend Sara spent a week at the Camp. We arrived on the 1st of July into a completely new world, with a new culture, different people, new surroundings.

During this week we joined in various activities, for example, people came into the camp to share their life histories with us, we swam in the lake, had a “beauty” day, and many walks in the forest. The camp was situated in a beautiful country area with incredible walks to enjoy.

It was an amazing experience as we had never travelled to another country. Without doubt, it was a big adventure and I was so happy to share this with my friend Sara. I want to thank Estoi Rotary Club for giving me this wonderful opportunity.”

Elodie went to a camp in Egypt and commented “My summer camp experience was awesome! This year's Egypt summer camp was filled with 116 people from all over the world, almost every continent!

I met so many new friends, but out of all of them my favourite was Uncle Fuad, his smiles could fix every problem in the world.

All the places we visited were beautiful, from the pyramids and the sphinx to the library of Alexandria.

I definitely recommend visiting Egypt, the culture and history are worth learning. Overall, the camp was wonderful, I made friends for life, had an amazing time there, and now I have good memories I can keep forever!”

All of the 14 students have had life-changing experiences and established friendships that will last forever thanks to the opportunity provided by Rotary.

The students will be giving a presentation of their experiences later in the year.

For more information on how RCEPI helps the community please contact,