The main defendant in the Football Leaks case was convicted of committing a crime of attempted extortion, three of aggravated violation of correspondence and five of illegitimate access, the rest falling under the application of the amnesty law approved in the context of the Pope's visit to Portugal and for lack of evidence.

Aníbal Pinto was convicted of the only crime he was accused of: attempted extortion, which earned him a suspended sentence of two years in prison.

Rui Pinto, 34 years old, was accused of 90 crimes: 68 of undue access, 14 of violation of correspondence, six of illegitimate access, targeting entities such as Sporting, Doyen, the law firm PLMJ, the Portuguese Football Federation ( FPF) and the Attorney General's Office (PGR), and also for computer sabotage of Sporting's SAD and for extortion, in the attempted form. This last crime concerns Doyen and was what also led to the indictment of lawyer Aníbal Pinto.